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4 Clues that Family Members are Stressed (& 3 Tips to Help)

By Diane Dempster

Nobody’s Perfect Even the most balanced and grounded parents have “off” days. Life and work stressors can create imbalance, turbulence,…


Getting on the Same Page with Parenting and ADHD

Interview with Melissa Orlov

If you or your co-parent has ADHD, or you have one child (or more) with ADHD, then you have likely…


Resentment in the Time of Quarantine

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus

There’s more to do (now that there’s nothing to do) than you ever imagined possible. I mean, you’ve always worn…

teacher training and ADHD

Making Mistakes is a Parenting Strategy

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus and Diane Dempster

Elaine:So, a lot of times we have families that struggle with making it okay to make mistakes. Right? They create…

teacher training and ADHD

Help, My Kid is Sneaking Technology!

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus and Diane Dempster

Diane:Another question we get about technology is kids sneaking technology. Elaine:I hear this all the time. Diane:“I found a kid…

teacher training and ADHD

Helping Complex Siblings Without Being a Referee

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus and Diane Dempster

  Diane:So this parent writes that she hates being the referee when her kids are fighting or squabbling with each…


Five Conversations to Have with your Parents and Elders During the Pandemic: A Guide for the Sandwich Generation

By Catherine Hammond

Life has suddenly changed, and your loved ones over 60 are most at risk. It’s never easy to be in…


Use This Information to Eliminate Family Stress

By Susan Baum

Do you worry that your child is disorganized? Have you noticed that your children are different from each other and…

is it naught or neurological?

A Parent’s Best Question: Is It Naughty or Neurological?

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus

Whatever challenge you’re facing with your complex kids, there is one powerful, guiding question to ask YOURSELF that will lead…