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The blog at ImpactParents is created to help you stay sane while raising complex kids. Parents of complex kids – those with ADHD, anxiety, and other challenges of executive function – are often desperate for information. But parents need more than information and advice; you need help to parent from inspiration, not desperation. You need help figuring out HOW to do what the experts suggest. You need support and training (which is part of recommended treatment for your kids).  And that’s what makes this award-winning blog different from many other online resources. Yes, we and our team of hundreds of Guest Experts provide you with cutting edge information about your child’s challenges.

And then, we take it to the next level. We focus on helping you put information into practice, real time, in a way that works for your family – and for you.

As innovative leaders working with parents, families and professionals, we’ve curated this award-winning blog since 2011, all while coaching and training thousands of parents worldwide. We’ve developed a proven method for creating lasting change, and become recognized as a leading voice for parents of complex kids around the world.

At ImpactParents, the Impact Model uses a coach approach to guide parents through a simple, collaborative problem-solving approach. Our blogs reinforce and demonstrate the Impact Model -- so that parents can supplement information with guidance to foster independence, improve communication, and empower their kids who struggle with life and learning to reach their full potential.

In a nutshell, the blogs at ImpactParents, and all the programs and services we provide are all about:

  • Empowering Parents to improve communication and change your conversations with your children and with each other;
  • Educating Medical Providers to make more comprehensive, well-informed referrals in support of complex families worldwide;
  • Empowering Educators to better understand their students and provide strategies to achieve independence and personal success.

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