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Changing What Kids Believe About Themselves (podcast #27)

Self-belief is a massively important component of any child’s development. They need to believe they can attain their goals and achieve greatness in their own mind. The way they view themselves will result in real-life actions. That’s why we want to ensure kids can learn to believe they are “enough” for themselves and others! Article…

January 3, 2025

New Technology for ADHD Diagnosis (podcast #23)

Technology is constantly improving, and that plays a huge, positive role in many industries, particularly in medicine and health. Proper diagnosis is always step one, and that’s also the case when it comes to ADHD and neurodiversity. Today there is some impressive new technology out there that helps you get to step one more effectively…

Kids’ Mental Health During The Pandemic (podcast #22)

Mental health is a critical part of any child’s development and sustained success. Good mental health provides a firm base to stand on, and lets you effectively deal with obstacles or challenges. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic is behind a huge mental-health crisis across the world that hit our youth especially hard. That’s why it’s important…

Executive Function Through the Lens of Social Thinking (podcast #188)

What does it mean to break down information in order to build up social competencies? And how does that relate to people with social anxiety? In this discussion with Michelle Garcia Winner, the founder of Social Thinking, we explore the relationship between “being social” and social cognition (i.e. social thinking). We touch on four areas…

January 2, 2025

The Emotions Behind Procrastination

Procrastination affects everyone in different ways, whether it’s in your professional or social life, and it can really hinder our schedule… but do we really know why? Our emotions can tell us a lot about why we may be procrastinating, and how to best combat it and get past our block. Article continues below… Want…

Are You Unflappable? Adaptive Parenting & Beyond (podcast #171)

Being a parent is an absolute rollercoaster of a ride, with plenty of good and bad days and a whole lot of change in between. That’s why it pays dividends to be an unflappable parent who sees change and is prepared to adapt. Too often we parents make plans, only to end up angered or…

Procrastination: Getting Started 𝒂𝒏𝒅 Getting Finished! (podcast #179)

You’ve got to understand procrastination in order to overcome it. In this conversation, we’ll explore why kids tend to stall on tasks: Perhaps unrealistic goals are set, or tasks lack clear plans? And we also look at how a child’s procrastination often leads parents to react in ways that may hurt the situation. If you…

Complex Kids Are Gifted (& Other Secrets About Their Brains) (podcast #183)

Children who are neurodiverse and have other conditions, such as ADHD or autism, face some huge challenges in their life and they also have some incredible gifts. As a parent, it’s critical to be realistic about your child’s development, while also constantly championing their strengths and gifts. Article continues below… Treatment for your Child’s ADHD…

Why Focus on Parents? Parental-Focused Mindset (podcast #181)

While it may sound counter-intuitive, focusing on the parent “first” advantages your parental awareness and guidance. You can’t effectively guide your children if your emotional, physical, or behavioral health is off the rails. It’s critical to practice self-care, and your parenting will benefit. Article continues below… Want to Go from Chaos to Calm? Download a…

January 1, 2025

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