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Time Awareness & Management (podcast #21)
If you want to be the most effective and efficient version of yourself, time awareness are management are critical skills to have. It’s also an important executive function to instill in your children, to promote self-reliance and regulation. If you’re trying to level up your habits, read on for more helpful information about time management!…
January 4, 2025
What Difference Does A Diagnosis Make? (podcast #20)
Does getting a diagnosis truly matter when it comes to dealing with neurodiversity challenges? Yes! Getting a correct diagnosis will set you up for success and can lead you down a path of managing your challenges much more effectively and efficiently, especially for younger kiddos! Article continues below… Treatment for your Child’s ADHD Download a…
What Your Kids Want You To Know About ADHD (podcast #19)
ADHD takes shape differently in every single person. If you’re a parent of a child with ADHD, you’ll find endless amounts of tips for parenting a neurodiverse kid, but it’s so much more important to speak directly to your child about it. Have an open and honest discussion, and your child often will let you…
Act Like A Grown Up: Preventive Maintenance in Parenting (podcast #18)
Being a parent is an incredibly challenging journey and can lead to some serious cases of burnout or ineffective parenting. That’s why it’s so critical to take time for a little preventive maintenance. It can come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but it gives us space to breathe, catch up and ultimately be…
Anxiety 101: Let Go Of Expectations (podcast #14)
It’s very common to feel an immense amount of anxiety about your children, but it isn’t always healthy. Here is some inspiration behind one parent who let go of expectations placed on her children; instead, she armed them with the tools to empower themselves, and “fail safely.” Article continues below… Want to Go from Chaos…
Success as a Teacher and a Parent (podcast #3)
Being a teacher is certainly no easy task — just like being a parent. But being a teacher and a parent? Now that take a special type of person. Meet a mother who also is a teacher and takeaway some tips for how to make schooling a success for children of all types! Article continues…
What If My Co-Parent’s Not On The Same Page? (podcast #32)
Co-Parenting is, has been and always will be a difficult task! However, if you and your co-parent aren’t on the same page, it becomes next to impossible. Unfortunately, this is the reality for many families across the globe. Here are some tips and tricks to help you find that sometimes elusive “same page.” Article continues…
January 3, 2025
Using Tech To Get Kids To Talk (podcast #31)
Today’s children are born directly into a world with immersive technology. While that’s often considered a hindrance, with tech consuming kids’ lives, it can also be a tool for positive use. Parents can lean into tech to get kids to talk and even open up to us. Believe it or not,there is new technology for…
Don’t Panic: Your Kid’s Not Broken! (podcast #30)
When you’re having a difficult time parenting your children, it can be easy to think they’re “broken” and may never succeed. Everyone is wired differently and responds differently to input, stimuli, life itself. Including your child. Often, a change in approach or methodology will offer a new perspective, resulting in positive results! Article continues below……
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