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Trying to Blend a Family?
It’s not easy to bring two families together and merge them into one. The different routines, personalities,…
Democracy in Action
On Saturday afternoon, sitting in a volunteer training to be a non-partisan observer for the U.S. November Elections, I…
Prepare ADHD Kids for Independence, One Transition at a Time
As an ADHD parent, you probably spend a lot of time and energy mastering the art of…
Don’t Just Accept the Quick Answer
You gotta love our impulsive, distracted kids. So often, when we ask them a question, their first…
5 Tips for Having Embarrassing Conversations with Your Kids
A few years back, after the stunning death of Cory Monteith (of “Glee” fame), US magazine quoted a…
Create a Safety Zone
Can You Handle The Truth? Sometimes it’s difficult for our kids to be honest with us. They…
Get Clear About How You Feel About Change
Some people are all about change. They are all about self-improvement and personal development. Their end tables…
A Step by Step Way to Advocate for your Child with ADHD
ADHD is one of the most prevalent mental health disorders[1], and we know that it runs in…
It’s Never Too Early to Foster Independence in ADHD Kids
I remember the day well. Parents were dropping off their kids for the first semester of their…
Keeping Cool: Don’t Take it Personally
Emotions can run rampant in the ADHD household. Keeping cool can seem impossible. Tempers flare for no…
What Your ADHD Kids Are Really Thinking
Inside Our Child’s Mind Do you ever think about what your ADHD kids must be thinking? We…
Social Media Safety Tips For Parents (of Kids of ALL Ages)
The Pros and Cons Adults and students are connected to others digitally, every day, sharing information via…