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Increase Focus with Fun!
Quick, name something your kid can do for hours! For many kids – ADHD or not – video games manage to capture their attention and keep it far longer than other activities, like homework and chores. Wonder why!? It’s because technology is fun, constantly changing, and provide immediate feedback. This appeals to the ADHD brain,…
Tags: Increase Focus, Quick Tips and Tricks
May 15, 2023
ADHD Coaching for Students
Research has demonstrated that ADHD coaching, a non-medication treatment for youth with ADHD, can improve outcomes for students. This article is an adapted excerpt from Chapter 2, “Empowering Youth with ADHD: Your Guide to Coaching Adolescents and Young Adults for Coaches, Parents, and Professionals,” by Jodi Sleeper-Triplett, MCC, SCAC, BCC. (All rights reserved.) The coaching…
Tags: Coach for Success
Four Things Every Successful Super-Mom Knows!
*Note to all you Superdads out there: this applies to you, too – so read on! About once a week, my kids accuse me of being ADHD. I’m not, actually, but they see the challenges I have managing the details of life, and it can look A LOT like the things I’m coaching them to…
Tags: Change Behaviors, Expert Articles, Take Time for Yourself
May 8, 2023
Don’t Take it Personally: 4 Questions to Coach Yourself
Are you irritated by your kids’ disobedience or disrespect? Are you taking it personally when they don’t do what they’ve been asked? If so, you are definitely not alone! There are 4 questions you can ask to coach yourself through the frustration – and learn not to take things so personally! In this case, the…
Put Yourself First, Mom
This season would not be complete without a message for the mothers of Impact, who have a tendency to take care of everyone but themselves. Dads, please take no offense – and consider sharing this with a mother or sister in your life who needs a reminder to take care of herself! Trust us –…
Tags: Take Time for Yourself
3 Tricks to Relieve Mental Stress (Every Day)
Stress seems to be a staple in our lives these days. Everywhere we turn, there are people rushing, there is something else to do, or we have a sense that things aren’t going the way we wish. Stress is usually an involuntary response – we get triggered. All too often, we don’t even realize it’s…
Tags: Change Behaviors, Quick Tips and Tricks
May 1, 2023
Choose Your Thoughts, Change Your… Kids’ Video Usage?!
You want to reign in your kids’ use/abuse of video games and gadgets, right? Does the old saying, “Do as I say, not as I do,” ring any bells? Does this mean that you should keep off screens, yourself, to model “good” behavior? Not exactly. Sure, in the everyday struggles of parenting a child with complex issues like ADHD, Anxiety and more, it’s imperative that you set the example.
Tags: Guest Expert
3 Steps to Respond Without Reacting
Ever walked away from a conversation thinking, “Why on earth did I say that?” Are you plagued with “foot in mouth disease?” Do you find yourself asking, “How do I stop reacting to my kids?” or “Is there a way to respond without reacting?” Rather than allowing default tendencies and unconscious mindsets to dictate your…
Tags: Build Trust, Change Behaviors, Expert Articles, Fix Hurt Feelings, Learn from Mistakes, Settle Family Politics
April 24, 2023
Is Anxiety Making it More Difficult to Diagnose ADHD?
Modern-day management and diagnosis of ADHD all too often leave out one major factor: the increasing rates of anxiety in our culture. And we must ask if anxiety is making it more difficult to diagnose ADHD. As a pediatrician with additional training in mental health, over four decades, I have witnessed vast changes in the…
Tags: Guest Expert, Medication Issues
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