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How Can I Help My Child Concentrate

Tradition Calls for… Do you wonder, “How can I help my child concentrate?” Most of us want to figure out how to help, but it’s easier said than done. Traditional parenting advice tells us to limit distractions and noise for our children, and sometimes this is exactly what our kids need most. But other times,…

Help My Child Concentrate

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February 13, 2023

Is Your Teen Ready for Coaching?

Your teen is disorganized, continuously late, struggling with getting school assignments done and turned in, and not exactly thriving. So, what do you do? You’ve tried everything you can think of to convince your teen to use the help that’s available, and nothing seems to work.

Teen Ready for Coaching

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How to Apologize When You’ve Hurt Your Child’s Feelings: Recovering after a Fight

We all have those moments when something goes wrong and we start pointing the finger to figure out whose “fault” it is. When this happens, there are many times when we just need to let the other person vent. There are other times when we need to “own” our part in the situation. Whenever I…

How to Apologize

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February 6, 2023

Wanting For Yourself

Do you have any clue what you are wanting for yourself? I know I struggle with that a lot, so let’s look at it together. As we do, I want to put forward the reminder to avoid critical self-judgment if you don’t like what you see. If you DO like what you see, PLEASE go…

Wanting For Yourself

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Practical Zen Brain Hacks for Parents: How to Keep Your Cool So Your Kids Can, Too

The parent-child relationship is a battlefield of personalities, talents, deficits, wills, egos, and many other aspects of the humble human’s inner being. The more mindful we are of all these inner forces, the less likely both parents and kids will get slogged down, if not outright whooped, on that battlefield. As Dr. Mark Bertin says,…

Zen brain hacks

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Flexibility + Structure = Moderation

Staying Conscious of Moderation While I have a strong preference for dark chocolate over any other “sweet,” Halloween definitely tests my resolve, tests if I am capable of moderation. All those little candy bars wrapped in shiny paper are hard to resist – after all, they’re so little; how bad can they be? It’s not…


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January 30, 2023

Stop Yelling

It sounds easy to stop yelling, but it’s not.  Many of us really would like to change our behavior. But we struggle. Even if our intentions are good, the reality is that: Usually, we are not aware we are yelling. Yelling lets off steam, which temporarily can feel good, so there is a benefit. Sometimes…

Stop Yelling

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ADHD and Teen Drivers: Behind the Wheel with ADHD

Of all possible risks, including illness, substance abuse, and even violence, none is more likely to cause serious injury or death than a motor vehicle accident…especially when young people are driving. In fact, motor vehicle crashes are the current leading cause of death for American teens, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.…

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My Kid? A Leader? YES!

Leadership When my son was a teen, he and I attended the national ADHDAware event, a “leadership” summit. Being surrounded by a large group of parents and kids managing life with ADHD made me think about leadership from a new perspective. At the time, I wondered, is my 13-year-old son really a leader?  My first…


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January 23, 2023

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