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How to Deal with Disrespect in Younger Kids

How do you deal with disrespect in younger kids? Elaine:So, we hear a lot of questions from parents of younger kids about rude and disrespectful behavior, and it shows up differently, I think, a lot of times with younger kids. Sometimes it’s directed directly at the parent, right? Or they may just say things in…

teacher training and ADHD

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January 23, 2023

Brain-Based Treatments for ADHD – What Parents Should Know

Do you know what’s happening in the brain of someone with ADHD? When you are making the complicated decision about whether to try medication for your child (or yourself), it helps to know as much as you can about the brain and about how brain-based interventions address the condition you are trying to address. One…



Pacing Yourself for the Marathon of Parenting

Raising kids is a marathon, not a sprint. Actually, it’s more like a never-end-a-thon, a life-long event that requires endurance, attention, commitment… and the ongoing awareness/reminder that you are in it by your own choosing! Anyone who has participated in a long-distance event – and I must admit that I am not someone in this…

pacing yourself

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January 10, 2023

Their Eyes are Watching You!

Actions Speak Louder Our kids don’t miss a trick – they’re watching you. Children learn more from what we do than from what we say. We’d like to believe that is not true. We’d like to convince ourselves that our words matter more than our actions. It would be much easier to live by the…

Watching You

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January 9, 2023

What To Do When Your Child Hates Math

Addressing the Negatives Not all kids in school like math. I had one kid who loved it enough to ask for sudoku puzzles to calm her down in school, and two who wish it never existed. So, when your kid thinks math was created by adults to make their lives miserable, how do you handle…

Child hates math

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Kids Believe What Parents Tell Them to Believe

Being a parent is one of the most satisfying and difficult jobs we will ever have in our lives. And yet, most of us never get any training to do the best job we can. Sounds crazy when you think about it that way, doesn’t it? And while having children is challenging for most of…

Kids believe what parents tell them

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Meltdown Prevention: Help Kids Raise Their Own Awareness

As a parent, there are two ways to approach the management of emotions and impulses. Meltdown Prevention: Take actions that limit escalation and reduce the number of significant upsets. Educate your child about self-management and control. 2.  Meltdown Management: Handle challenging circumstances when they occur with as much grace as possible. Teach your child to…

Meltdown Prevention

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January 2, 2023

ADHD Behavior Management – Is It All About Teaching Motivation?

Article continues below… Minimize Meltdowns! Download a free tipsheet “Top 10 Ways to Stop Meltdowns in Their Tracks” to stop yelling and tantrums from everyone! Find Out How Teaching Your ADHD Kids Motivation Article continues below… Minimize Meltdowns! Download a free tipsheet “Top 10 Ways to Stop Meltdowns in Their Tracks” to stop yelling and…

behavior management

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How to Organize Schoolwork for the ADHD Brain

Getting things done… frustrating for your child, and often a time-consuming nightmare for you! How to organize schoolwork can be overwhelming So what can you do to make it easier, for everyone?

organize schoolwork

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