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Saboteur Management: How to Silence Your Inner Critic

By Diane Dempster

Getting Rid of the Gremlins Gremlins – we all have them. What are they and why do they make or…

Laurie Dupar

Celebrate the Positive Qualities of ADHD

By Laurie Dupar

Life with ADHD is a 24-hour, seven-day-a-week-adventure!! If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with ADHD, then you…


Prioritizing – What's Most Important ?

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus

As parents, we tend to get attached to outcomes like finished homework and completed chores. Everything about our kids’ behavior…


Under-Achiever or Over-Achiever?

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus

Note: This post was written in 2013. Rather than rewriting, I’ve chosen to leave it on the website to remind…

Sandy Maynard

Motivate ADD/ADHD Kids: Catch Them Doing Something Right

By Sandy Maynard

Parenting a child with ADHD is no easy task.  It’s at least double the work than typical kids. On the…


I Hope So

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus

I hope so. Simple, isn’t it? It’s upbeat, positive, optimistic. It’s at our fingertips every moment when we choose to…


Lessons for Kids from the Olympics: Hyper-Focus, Motivation & Passion

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus

Why We Watch The Olympics would be boring to watch were it not for the young athletes’ ability to hyper-focus.…

Laurie Duplar

ADHD Family Support

By Laurie Dupar

Non-ADHD siblings are not often talked about, yet they are an important part of families with ADHD. Studies show that siblings of children with ADHD experience disruption, chaos, unpredictability and exhaustion – just like their parents. At times, they may feel neglected, unprotected and powerless. This is particularly true when they are expected to “take care of” or “look out for” their siblings.

Carrie Heller

Join the Circus

By Carrie Heller

At the age of eight my parents sent me to a summer camp that happened to have circus as one…