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ADHD kid disappoints

How to Handle It When Your Spouse or ADHD Kid Disappoints You

By Diane Dempster

I noticed it for the first time early on in my marriage. And then again with each of my kids.…


Flexibility + Structure = Moderation

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus

Staying Conscious of Moderation While I have a strong preference for dark chocolate over any other “sweet,” Halloween definitely tests…


My Kid? A Leader? YES!

By Diane Dempster

Leadership When my son was a teen, he and I attended the national ADHDAware event, a “leadership” summit. Being surrounded…

teacher training and ADHD

How to Deal with Disrespect in Younger Kids

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus and Diane Dempster

How do you deal with disrespect in younger kids? Elaine:So, we hear a lot of questions from parents of younger…

Kids believe what parents tell them

Kids Believe What Parents Tell Them to Believe

By Shelly Lefkoe

Being a parent is one of the most satisfying and difficult jobs we will ever have in our lives. And…

Formula for Success

Bilbow Formula for Success

By Andrea Bilbow

In the 20 years I’ve spent advocating for children and families with ADHD, I’ve identified one common denominator that stands…


The Death of a Pet is a Parenting Opportunity

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus

Life events like the death of a pet are an opportunity for parents to communicate your values and beliefs to…

blend a family

Trying to Blend a Family?

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus

It’s not easy to bring two families together and merge them into one. The different routines, personalities, traditions can all…

Foster independence

Democracy in Action

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus

On Saturday afternoon, sitting in a volunteer training to be a non-partisan observer for the U.S. November Elections, I began taking notes…