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This Too Shall Pass

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus

I wear a pendant around my neck that gets me through everything. A quote from the Song of Solomon, in…

redirecting without judgment

Redirecting Your Child with ADHD Without Judgment

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus

The Power of Judgment Judgment is a challenging concept. On the one hand, it makes our lives easier. We use…

Special-Needs Friendly Santa

Special Needs Friendly Santa Tips for Parents

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus

By (special needs friendly) Santa Claus (with support from Elaine Taylor-Klaus) A Christmas Surprise I had a rare treat, recently,…

ADHD Teen Says “I've Got It!”

What To Do When Your ADHD Teen Says “Don’t Worry, I’ve Got It!”

By Diane Dempster

“Don’t Worry” Syndrome If I had a dollar for every time I heard this phrase from my ADHD teen, “Don’t…


Empathy: A Magic Wand to Connect with Complex Kids & Teens

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus

“What is Empathy? And why is it VERY different from sympathy? Empathy fuels connection. Sympathy drives disconnection.” ~Brene Brown When…

Mornings and Teens

Mornings and Teens with ADHD – Can They End in "I Love You"?

By Diane Dempster

There’s Hope for Teens and Mornings! Dropping kids off at school is something I’d done every day for years. But…

Deal with Family Conflict

How Do You Deal with Family Conflict?

By Diane Dempster

How do you typically deal with conflict when it comes up in your family? Do you walk away? Do you…

conversations with other parents

How to Have Hard Conversations with Other Parents

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus

As parents, we have encounters with other parents every day. Generally, they are positive or at least relatively innocuous. But…


Video: Where’s Your Curiosity?

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus

Instead of Getting Furious … Do you ever get so mad at your kids, teens or young adults that you…