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Did Social Anxiety Make Me a Leader?

I was 56 years old before I began to suspect that social anxiety played a big part in making me the leader I am today.  I can see social anxiety in others – and have deep compassion for it. But I never thoroughly recognized it in myself or the gifts it gave me – before…

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September 12, 2022

Steps to College Readiness – It’s Not Too Late

The transition from high school to college begins long before senior year in high school. There is no time like the present to get started on this process and ensure you know the steps to college readiness. Students with ADHD need preparation and guidance to gain the executive functioning and life skills they need for…

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Managing My Reactions as a Parent

Does parenting a child with ADHD stress you out? It does for me, at times. While I know it’s hard to manage your anger when things feel like they’re spinning out of control, the following tips will help you as a parent manage your anger and your reactions and move toward a better outcome for…

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September 5, 2022

Using Time Effectively When There’s Really No Time to Spare

Using time effectively is so hard to do these days. In my house, we are living life at a warp-speed-wonderful pace, trying to fulfill commitments and responsibilities while making time for the extra passion pieces that make life worthwhile. Admittedly, we’ve probably bit off a bit more than we can chew (publishing two books in…

using time effectively

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August 29, 2022

Reducing Clutter Struggles With Kids With ADHD

A Blessing In Disguise Growing up as the inattentive ADHD child of a non-ADHD mother, I learned some important lessons about how NOT to do things in an ADHD house. But managing the ADHD clutter struggles with my mom did not happen overnight. Though not much fun at the time, I now realize these lessons…

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Create a Safety Zone

Article continues below… What’s Your Parenting Style? Take a quiz to find out what kind of a parent you are. Find Out Can You Handle The Truth? Article continues below… What’s Your Parenting Style? Take a quiz to find out what kind of a parent you are. Find Out Sometimes it’s difficult for our kids…

Safety Zone

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August 22, 2022

How to Create a Great Relationship with Your ADHD Child’s Teacher

Having a child with ADHD really reinforced the importance of my building a good working relationship with his teacher. Being married to a teacher didn’t hurt, either. It reminded me to look at things from that perspective, too. While we all know that relationships are critical to success in life, we sometimes overlook the importance…

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Parenting Through Denial

Getting out of the muddy river of parenting denial is the first step to feeling successful when raising children – particularly children with complex issues like ADHD, anxiety, learning disabilities, autism, and more. Is Parenting Not Exactly What You Expected? Parenting complex kids is like navigating the rapids in a choppy river filled with rocks…

Parenting Through Denial of ADHD | Accepting an ADHD Diagnosis

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August 8, 2022

GEMO (Good Enough, Move On!)

Article continues below… Minimize Meltdowns! Download a free tipsheet “Top 10 Ways to Stop Meltdowns in Their Tracks” to stop yelling and tantrums from everyone! Find Out How The Problem With Perfection What a funny word, GEMO (/GEE-Moh/). It sounds like a cartoon character. Actually, it’s an acronym I’ve learned to embrace over the years:…

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