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Choosing Self-Compassion Over Self-Esteem

By Diane Dempster

Is Self-Compassion More Important Than Self-Esteem? An article I read suggested that it is. Growing up, I learned that self-esteem…

Complaint Free

5 Steps to Enter a Complaint Free Zone

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus

I’m into rubber bracelet causes as much as the next girl, and I saw one on a friend that I…


Did Social Anxiety Make Me a Leader?

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus

I was 56 years old before I began to suspect that social anxiety played a big part in making me…


Managing My Reactions as a Parent

By Caroline Maguire

Does parenting a child with ADHD stress you out? It does for me, at times. While I know it’s hard…

using time effectively

Using Time Effectively When There’s Really No Time to Spare

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus

Using time effectively is so hard to do these days. In my house, we are living life at a warp-speed-wonderful…

Be A Conscious Parent

Be A Conscious Parent

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus

Happy Parents Lead to Happy Kids As parents, there are thousands of decisions to be made on a weekly, if…


8 Tips for Parenting Kids with ADHD

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus

Words to Live by When Parenting Complex Kids Much of what I’ve needed to know as a parent I learned…

parent break

Can You Get a PARENT Break During School Vacation?

By Diane Dempster

When School Vacation Meets Holiday Stress When kids hop off the bus on the last day of school before holiday…

Lily Tomlin

Controlling Family Chaos: Balance is a Process

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus

The Argument For Balance “For fast-acting relief, try slowing down.” -Lily Tomlin Ever feel like you’re running yourself ragged? When…