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Skills Without Pills: 3 Non-Medication Treatments for ADHD

Whether or not you’ve ever fought in the Ritalin wars — those fierce disputes about whether it’s safe or effective or moral to put seriously distracted children on medication — there’s good reason to think about non-pharmacological treatments for your child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

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Prepare for 504 or IEP Meetings with a Lawyer’s 4 Best Tips

Navigating the world of disabilities and education can be confusing. To ensure that parents are well prepared…

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Six Strategies for Creating Strong Families With ADHD, Part 2

Last week I wrote about three things you can do to strengthen your ADHD-impacted family. I talked…

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Melissa Orlov

Six Strategies for Creating Strong Families With ADHD, Part 1

ADHD is often a family affair. It’s commonly inherited, and once a child is diagnosed, one or…

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Get ACT and SAT Accommodations for ADHD

Selecting a College for your Child with ADHD

ADHD does not have to be a barrier to college success, but finding the right fit for…

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Setting Expectations for Your ADHD Child

The ProblemEven average children act up on a regular basis. Unfortunately, ADHD kids are very likely to…

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gold medal

Give Points For Trying

I know of a school that gives 2 grades for each class: one for academic achievement and…

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Video Games & ADHD Kids: Beat Them at Their Own Game

Why do kids with ADHD love to play video games so much? Video games have ideal characteristics…

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Why and How to Teach Kids to Fail Forward

Failing is not usually a parent’s favorite topic, either for ourselves, or for our kids. But what…

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Getting a 504 for ADHD: One Mom’s Success Story

Two Attempts at Clearing the 504 Hurdle By Carolyn McGown The school year was picking up speed…

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Emotional Intelligence

You know emotional intelligence is important. It’s something that will help you be a better parent, and…

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What if you Get BAD Advice from an Expert?

Generally speaking, parents of complex kids are well supported by caring, thoughtful professionals who are genuinely trying…

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