Executive Function

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Teen Ready for Coaching

Is Your Teen Ready for Coaching?

Your teen is disorganized, continuously late, struggling with getting school assignments done and turned in, and not…

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How to Apologize

How to Apologize When You’ve Hurt Your Child’s Feelings: Recovering after a Fight

We all have those moments when something goes wrong and we start pointing the finger to figure…

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Wanting For Yourself

Wanting For Yourself

Do you have any clue what you are wanting for yourself? I know I struggle with that…

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Zen brain hacks

Practical Zen Brain Hacks for Parents: How to Keep Your Cool So Your Kids Can, Too

The parent-child relationship is a battlefield of personalities, talents, deficits, wills, egos, and many other aspects of…

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Flexibility + Structure = Moderation

Staying Conscious of Moderation While I have a strong preference for dark chocolate over any other “sweet,”…

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Stop Yelling

Stop Yelling

It sounds easy to stop yelling, but it’s not.  Many of us really would like to change…

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ADHD and Teen Drivers: Behind the Wheel with ADHD

Of all possible risks, including illness, substance abuse, and even violence, none is more likely to cause…

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My Kid? A Leader? YES!

Leadership When my son was a teen, he and I attended the national ADHDAware event, a “leadership”…

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teacher training and ADHD

How to Deal with Disrespect in Younger Kids

How do you deal with disrespect in younger kids? Elaine:So, we hear a lot of questions from…

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Brain-Based Treatments for ADHD – What Parents Should Know

Do you know what’s happening in the brain of someone with ADHD? When you are making the…

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pacing yourself

Pacing Yourself for the Marathon of Parenting

Raising kids is a marathon, not a sprint. Actually, it’s more like a never-end-a-thon, a life-long event…

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Watching You

Their Eyes are Watching You!

Actions Speak Louder Our kids don’t miss a trick – they’re watching you. Children learn more from…

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