Read a Little for Pleasure Every Day

I fell in love with a school, once, because I visited an elementary classroom and all of the children – and the teachers – were strewn about the classroom, quietly reading. I wanted that for my child, partially because I know it’s good for him, and partially because it’s something I craved for myself. It almost seemed decadent for them to be free-reading in the middle of the day, and yet what a great way to re-store themselves and get ready for the next round of learning!
Reading, even for those of us with language processing challenges, can provide a wonderful escape into another realm, a respite from the daily logistics that tend to rule our days. I don’t mean reading for work, or even for learning. Reading just for pleasure has a pure quality to it. It can be rejuvenating. So whether you are ready to join a book club, just want to see what’s on Oprah’s list these days, or are looking for a guilty pleasure (romance novel) for a beach vacation, try to read a little every day. It’s great modeling for your kids, and can give you some peace and quiet, if only for a few minutes!
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