Executive Function

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Five Conversations to Have with your Parents and Elders During the Pandemic: A Guide for the Sandwich Generation

Life has suddenly changed, and your loved ones over 60 are most at risk. It’s never easy…

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Assistive Technology & ADHD: A Guide for Parents & Students

Technology is all around us, providing for many of the conveniences we enjoy in a modern society….

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Use This Information to Eliminate Family Stress

Do you worry that your child is disorganized? Have you noticed that your children are different from…

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Preparing Students with ADHD for Success at College

Sending students with ADHD to college can be thrilling and nerve-wracking for parents, especially if they have…

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high school

Why High School is REALLY HARD!

Step Into a High Schooler’s Shoes Most people in the workforce have one job, with fairly consistent…

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Laughter Is The Best Medicine (And You Can’t Overdose)

An ADHD diagnosis can be alarming, upsetting, frightening. “What’s wrong with my child?” we wonder in fear….

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Let The Feelings Flow: Dealing With Emotion

Let ‘Em Flow I have a theory that all feelings need their time on the surface. If…

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Are Parents Teaching Their Children to Lie?

You’re Not Alone We all get frustrated when our kids just flat-out lie to us, right? It…

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5-Keys to Unlock Executive Dysfunction in ADHD Kids

Unmotivated, unaware, scattered and disorganized children are often thought to be lazy (and unintelligent). In fact, they…

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Best Kept Secret for Treating ADHD: Vitamin “M”

Julia’s son, Colin, was attending a famous military college, and she was worried because he had been…

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is it naught or neurological?

A Parent’s Best Question: Is It Naughty or Neurological?

Whatever challenge you’re facing with your complex kids, there is one powerful, guiding question to ask YOURSELF…

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teacher training and ADHD

When Your Co Parent is in Denial about Complex Kids

  Diane:What’s a parent going to do if the other co-parent is in complete denial that- Elaine:That…

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