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Planning for the School Year Starts Now
August is here, and that means one thing: it’s time to go back to school. The summer has nearly passed. Many students and families are energized and ready to get back to the books. But some families start the year with caution. Maybe because the previous school year didn’t end as well as hoped for,…
Tags: Guest Expert, Organize for School
August 8, 2023
Teacher Training and ADHD: What Should Parents Expect?
How much do teachers know about ADHD, and how much should parents be providing information to teachers? What should teacher training and ADHD look like? Elaine: So one of the questions we’ve gotten recently is, “How much training do teachers really get about ADHD in particular? And how much of it is my job as…
Tags: Communicate with Teachers, Grades & School Performance, Organize for School
August 1, 2023
Top 5 Ways to Survive Being a Stay in the Minivan Mom (SIMM)
When I left my successful, full time sales job to happily become a stay-at-home mom (SAHM,) I was completely unaware how rarely I would be home. It honestly never occurred to me that I could literally spend 6 hours a day in my car! Turns out, instead of being a SAHM, I was a stay-in-the-minivan mom (SIMM).…
Tags: Create Structures, Develop Routines, Expert Articles, Wipe Out Logistical Challenges
July 31, 2023
Early Warning Signs of Trouble for Teens with ADHD
Recognize Tipping Points and Take Action Of all the challenges that come with ADHD, perhaps the most frightening for parents is the heightened risk of criminal behavior. Society has a low tolerance for ‘abnormal behaviors.’ The law sets tolerances about what is acceptable. Generally, the causes of errant behavior are not relevant in the eyes…
Tags: Change Behaviors, Guest Expert, Teen Issues
How to Have Hard Conversations with Other Parents
As parents, we have encounters with other parents every day. Generally, they are positive or at least relatively innocuous. But sometimes, it can be really hard to talk to other parents about the complex issues we face with our kids. Even if we know we’ve gotta do it – even if it’s in the best…
Tags: Expert Articles, Fix Hurt Feelings
July 24, 2023
They’re So SLOW – How Can I Hurry Up My Kids?
It takes forever to get out the door, to get dressed, to eat breakfast – how can you hurry up kids? Elaine: We’ve gotten a bunch of questions around this issue of how do I get my kid to do X faster? To eat faster, to get out the door faster? They’re so slow sometimes…
Tags: Develop Routines, Increase Focus, Logistical Challenges
Parent Expectations: 2 Steps To Success
How do we as parents set expectations for our children or ourselves when at least one of us has an attention deficit disorder? When our children are born, we have conscious or unconscious expectations of how we will be as a parent, how our children will evolve, and how we will grow together as a…
Yes, Virginia, There IS Enough Time!
Less. More. Enough. These words have come up a lot in the last week with clients and in my personal life. They are about how we approach the world. Not Enough… These days, many of us live in a world of “not enough.” There is not enough…time, money, resources, hope, possibility, etc. The news reports…
Tags: Expert Articles, Take Time for Yourself, Wipe Out Logistical Challenges
July 17, 2023
Video: Where’s Your Curiosity?
Article continues below… Want to Go from Chaos to Calm? Download a free tipsheet, “10 Tips for Calm & Confident Parenting.” Use the coach-approach to change the tone in your home or classroom — starting now! Learn How Instead of Getting Furious … Do you ever get so mad at your kids, teens or young…
Tags: Change Behaviors, Coach for Success, Learn from Mistakes, Quick Tips and Tricks
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