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Can You REALLY Control Your Kids? (podcast #11)

You can’t control your children forever but you can inspire them for a lifetime. There’s a point at which you have to allow your children to have agency over their own life and forge their own path. Learn how to let go of trying to control your children and still providing them with inspiration and…

February 17, 2025

Let Kids Be Kids (podcast #13)

We all want our kids to be successful and overcome their challenges, such as ADD, ADHD, and other neurodivergencies. That being said, sometimes you have to give your children some time and space to pursue their own passions, and even do nothing. It can be a great method to remind yourself to just “let your…

Parenting Anxious Childhood Emotions (podcast #15)

Anxiety isn’t easy on anybody, but it can be especially difficult for children and their parents. Parenting a child with anxiety can leave you with tons of questions and struggles. Here are some helpful tips on parenting children with anxiety and other difficult emotions! Article continues below… Minimize Meltdowns! Download a free tipsheet “Top 10…

Autism Treatment: One-Size Fits No One (podcast #17)

The world’s view of autism and its treatment has massively changed over the last 40 years, and it continues to evolve to this day. One consistent theory that has prevailed is that no “one-size” treatment fits everyone with the diagnosis. Treatment for autism needs to be specifically designed for each person. Doing so requires a…

Parenting Emerging Adults (podcast #8)

Parents of young and emerging adults face a difficult challenge as dynamics shift between them and their child. This period of time and development can present some questions and judgment calls that you haven’t thought of before. Here are some tips to help out during this stage. Article continues below… Minimize Meltdowns! Download a free…

Asking For Help: Why Is It So Difficult? (podcast #129)

Everyone has struggles and needs help. That’s why it’s so important to be comfortable asking for it, especially when it comes to parenting. Making the transition to independence can backfire when your kiddo will not ask for help when they need it – so it’s important to teach them it’s OK, and even encouraged, to…

Beyond Mean Girls: Parenting and Dignity (podcast #169)

Socialization and community are critical parts of every child and young adult’s life, and they can present some difficult situations for parents. While cliques, school drama, and dating issues have been around for ages, the digital era of communication has made it even more difficult for parents to coach and help their children. Thankfully, as…

Consequences and Punishments (podcast #12)

No matter how well-behaved or “easy” your children are, they are bound to act up or do something wrong, and it’s important to have consequences and punishments. But, there is a constant battle between what’s too much or going too far while still getting the lesson across. Here are great tips about savvy discipline. Article…

Parenting with Presence: Celebrating Neurodiversity in Kids and Adults (podcast #115)

Every single person in the world is different, and that’s what makes life so interesting and beautiful. Our differences and unique strengths should be celebrated, not chastised. This goes for neurodiverse children and adults, too. They deserve to be held up and celebrated for their accomplishments, strengths and growth! Article continues below… Want to Go…

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