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Back OFF, Mom & Dad!
So this tip may come as a bit of a shocker – because the message is not from your kids. It’s from your coach! Sometimes it’s hard to step back, but your child may very well need that space in order to find the path that works for her – and feel like it’s her…
Tags: Build Trust, Quick Tips and Tricks
March 27, 2023
If I Had Known — Lessons from a Mom of an ADHD Adult
We all want to do the best for our children, but sometimes we just don’t know how. When her son was young, Linda Roggli didn’t know, either. But now that her son is grown, she knows how she’d handle a “do-over.” Thankfully, we can all benefit from her words of wisdom …
Tags: Build Self-Esteem, Build Trust, Change Behaviors, Coach for Success, Fix Hurt Feelings, Settle Family Politics, Treat ADHD
Have a Smart Kid Who Doesn’t Try Hard?
Are you worried you have a kid who doesn’t try hard enough? Do you consistently hear from teachers about a child who is failing to reach their potential? Do you have a smart kid who is an underachiever? If so, this video is for you. Diane:So I hear this a lot from parents, and…
Tags: Build Trust, Coach for Success, Settle Family Politics, Teen Issues
March 20, 2023
8 Reasons You’ll Never Know Your Child is Being Bullied
Bullying is a familiar topic in the world of complex kids, and internationally renowned parent author and educator, Barbara Coloroso, has written a 3 part series on Bullying for us – why kids don’t tell, signs that it might be happening, and what you as a parent should do about it. This is part 1…
Surprising Strategy for ADHD Management: Celebration
Have you ever noticed that what you most need to focus on tends to appear in your life repeatedly? It’s sort of like a corollary to the idea that “when the student is ready, the teacher appears.” Personally, my teachers are very often my coaching clients and my kids (of course!). Way back on New…
Tags: Build Self-Esteem, Build Trust, Change Behaviors, Coach for Success, Expert Articles
March 13, 2023
How to Handle the Rebound When ADHD Medication Wears OFF in Kids!
How Can I Help My Child ConcentrateMedication rebound – it’s real for kids with ADHD. So, what should a parent do when the ADHD medication wears off? Diane:So a lot of parents struggle with what they call “medication rebound,” – and I think that is what happens when their kids are on a medication…
Tags: Coach for Success, Develop Routines, Medication Issues, Stop Meltdowns, Treat ADHD
Ask 3 Questions to Get the Best ADHD Treatment for Kids
Brian, a pensioner now, has one leg clearly shorter than the other, the result of childhood tuberculosis. He wears a special shoe that makes his legs the same length as they hit the ground — which facilitates a fully mobile life. Without it, he would be unable to enjoy life to the fullest. People may…
Tags: Treat ADHD
Manage Morning Mania in Two (Simple?) Parts
Over and Over Again Sometimes my life feels like Groundhog Day! Each morning my alarm goes off at 5:55. For the next 50 minutes, I do what I need to do for me: I take a shower, do my meditation, make my coffee, sometimes sleep in a little, and sometimes read a little. By 6:45, I…
Tags: Create Structures, Develop Routines, Expert Articles, Organize for School, Settle Family Politics, Stop Meltdowns
March 6, 2023
Motivate Kids without Overwhelming or Causing Pushback: Keep it Simple
We are constantly trying to get our kids to change their behaviors, and it’s not easy to do. On tough days, we nag, cajole, and bargain. On good days, we use organization systems, behavior plans, and reward charts. There’s an art to motivate kids without overwhelming or pushback. All too often, though, we put detailed…
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