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Help Your Complex Kids Be Independent (especially in the mornings)

We all want our kids to be able to succeed on their own. How can you help your complex kids be independent? Elaine: We had at least two questions that came in that were both very similar and we summarized them for you, but they are really about helping kids become more independent. They go…

teacher training and ADHD

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June 26, 2023

Planning Summer Days: Rhythm and Routine with Kids

Summer! Kids are excited. Teachers are relieved. Parents around the country start feeling a familiar knot in the pit of their stomachs about the change of routine with kids in summer – especially parents dealing with ADHD kids. Somewhere in their minds, they are thinking, “Now what? What do I do with my energetic, often…

Rhythm and Routine with Kids

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Calm the Chaos: The Benefits of Practicing Mindfulness with ADHD

Feel like you’re always running on an empty tank because you have to live in the past, present, and future all at once? That you can’t enjoy your children because they’re always stressed, or you’re always worried? Does chaos chase away calm and leave everyone tense and drained? Scared that it will always be that…

Practicing Mindfulness with ADHD

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June 19, 2023

Summer Video Tip: Summer Planning with Complex Kids

Summer is a great time to help complex kids learn and practice planning skills, mostly because they can be motivated to plan a day out to a park, plan a day to an amusement park, or go fishing, or whatever activity they want to do. Summer planning with complex kids can be a really great…

summer planning with complex kids

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Take Care of Your Brain, Take Care of YOU

You love your child unconditionally and will do anything for them. That 24/7 job is hard enough, but with something extra like ADHD, your job as a parent can feel overwhelming, exhausting, and somewhat of a marathon. Constantly assessing and making adjustments are not one-time events, they are a series of tweaks and changes requiring…

take care of your brain

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How To Get Complex Kids to Get Things Done in the Summer

Take Advantage of Summer Summer is the BEST time of all to help kids with executive function challenges learn how to get things done! No, I’m not kidding. I know that part of you wants to take the summer off because the school year can be so stressful. But actually, being out of school is…

Kids to Get Things Done in the Summer

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June 12, 2023

Getting Active is More than Just an ADHD Issue

Let’s hear it for jumping jacks and somersaults! Exercise and getting active is a terrific way to activate the brain – especially with ADHD! We recommend that before kids sit down to do homework, they do pushups, shoot hoops, run around the yard – do something to get the body moving and the brain going. After…

getting active

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My Fatherhood Pendulum: A Success Story

Among the many things I love about the work I get to do in the world, it is thrilling to get to witness parents in the process of conscious parenting. It’s a gorgeous process to witness. And this piece, shared by Dan Seare, a dad in our community, is a beautiful reflection of that. I…

my fatherhood pendulum

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Setting Boundaries for Summer

Aaahhh, Summer. The school year comes to a close, and parents start to dream about the days when schedules are lighter, pressures are less, and… THERE IS NO HOMEWORK! Then reality kicks in. Most of our kids do have schedules in the summer. Even if they don’t, we know that structure can add value to the…

setting boundaries for summer

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June 5, 2023

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