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What’s a Microbiome, Why Should I Care, and What Do I Do About It?
What’s a microbiome? Humans host 39 trillion microscopic organisms in every conceivable place in our bodies, from head to toe, inside and out — and they are called microbiomes. Yep – made up of microbes. There are tons of different groups or colonies all over our bodies. Seriously — each tooth is like its own…
Tags: Guest Expert
October 23, 2023
Mornings and Teens with ADHD – Can They End in "I Love You"?
Article continues below… Minimize Meltdowns! Download a free tipsheet “Top 10 Ways to Stop Meltdowns in Their Tracks” to stop yelling and tantrums from everyone! Find Out How There’s Hope for Teens and Mornings! Dropping kids off at school is something I’d done every day for years. But one morning, dropping my Senior off at…
Tags: Build Trust, Change Behaviors, Expert Articles, Fix Hurt Feelings, Settle Family Politics, Teen Issues
October 15, 2023
When Kids Have Trouble Hearing the Word No, Try This
What do I do when my kids have trouble hearing the word “no”? How can I get them to accept what I’m saying? Diane: So one of the questions we always get… Elaine: A lot Diane: …is kids who have a hard time with the word “no.” Elaine: Yeah, that trigger reaction that people get.…
Tags: Change Behaviors, Fix Hurt Feelings, Overcome Obstacles, Settle Family Politics
October 11, 2023
How Do You Deal with Family Conflict?
How do you typically deal with conflict when it comes up in your family? Do you walk away? Do you fight to the death? Do you negotiate? Do you give in? Do you compromise? How each of us approaches conflict is based on our own beliefs and experiences. If you grew up as a middle…
Tags: Build Trust, Change Behaviors, Expert Articles, Fix Hurt Feelings, Settle Family Politics
October 8, 2023
What’s So Wrong with Immaturity?
At the risk of sounding like my great-grandmother from the Old Country, I think kids are growing up too fast these days. Now I do NOT mean this in the “I don’t know what’s wrong with these kids today!” way. I’m actually not thinking that the kids have anything to do with their growing up…
Tags: Change Behaviors, Expert Articles
September 5, 2023
Make the Most out of Senior Year for Parents
The last year of high school can be a really tough transition, and not just for your senior. It’s a significant rite of passage for the entire family – including parents. We want to be conscious about how we support our families through senior year – parents and kids alike. It’s going to be emotional…
Tags: Build Self-Esteem, Build Trust, Expert Articles, Settle Family Politics
August 28, 2023
4 Things to Love About Back to School
The Gift of Back To School Growing up, I always loved September and returning to school. Chances are I was a little bored and sick of my family. Besides, I loved going back-to-school shopping! There are so many things to love about back to school. It was always so exciting to “break-in” a new teacher…
Tags: Create Structures, Develop Routines, Expert Articles, Organize for School
August 15, 2023
Dreading School Meetings with Teachers? Try These 8 Steps
A client emailed me in a bit of a panic. She asked if I could offer any words of wisdom or a ‘mantra’ for her to run through her mind – something to help her keep her from getting defensive. She was dreading a school meeting with teachers about her 8th grader, expecting them to…
Tags: Build Trust, Communicate with Teachers, Expert Articles, Grades & School Performance, Overcome Obstacles
August 8, 2023
Pause & Breathe
Pause and breathe. Calm down. Your body. Your brain. Your spirit. Calm down. When life seems to be full of tense times, upsetting news, and stressful developments, these simple behaviors – pausing and breathing – can restore calm and redirect negativity. Article continues below… Minimize Meltdowns! Download a free tipsheet “Top 10 Ways to Stop…
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