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What To Look for in a Behavior Therapy Program for ADHD

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus

Behavior Therapy is recommended treatment for children with ADHD, but there is a lot of confusion about what it means.…

Worst Parenting Advice

Worst Parenting Advice for Complex Kids

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus

Complex kids are different. But as parents, we don’t always know that starting out. So we try to follow traditional…


Organizing 101: The 3 M’s Will Help You C.O.P.E.

By Elise Marinos

In a world filled with so much information, literally at our fingertips, how do we narrow our focus to practical…


Is Your Child in Your Blind Spot?

By Jeremy Didier

I know a lot about ADHD. That might sound like a pretty cocky thing to say, but bear with me.…

Confident Parenting

Confident Parenting – Why Bother?

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus

Diane and I talk – a lot 🙂 – about the importance of parenting from a place of calm and…

teacher training and ADHD

When Kids Don’t Want to Take Medication for ADHD, Anxiety or Depression

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus and Diane Dempster

Elaine:So we’ve gotten a bunch of different questions that are all related to the issue of: what if my kid…


6 Tools to Remember Your Grocery List (Or Anything Else)

By Beth Ardell

Strengthening memory, for people with ADHD or other learning differences, can improve executive functioning and focus, as well as decrease…


An Easy Way to Keep Psychiatric Medical History Records

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus

Okay, y’all, I REALLY wish I’d know about this about a dozen years ago!! There’s a completely FREE online system,…


When Meds Don’t Work for ADHD

By Elaine Taylor-Klaus

When my kids were diagnosed with ADHD (one at a time, like dominoes), it was recommended that we treat with…