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Who Needs to Watch Their Language, Parents or Kids?

“Are you doing this on purpose?” That was my least favorite phrase growing up. It hurt every…

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Stay Calm

How to Stay Calm

3 Things That Disturb The Peace Do You Want More Calm in Your Life? God, grant me…

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Ode to Joyous – You!

One of the best gifts you can give your kids and family is managing your own overwhelm…

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Formula for Success

Bilbow Formula for Success

In the 20 years I’ve spent advocating for children and families with ADHD, I’ve identified one common…

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The Death of a Pet is a Parenting Opportunity

Life events like the death of a pet are an opportunity for parents to communicate your values…

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How to Help Teens Who Aren’t “Living Up to Their Potential”

“If he just applied himself, he could be earning straight A’s! He’s so smart…he’s just not living…

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3 Steps to Creating a Reward System that Works!

The Power of Reward Systems Psst…hey you. Yeah, you! The one who looks frazzled and, I’m guessing,…

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True or False: ADHD Kids Can’t Focus

Have you ever seen a normal, everyday person suddenly turn into Perry Mason or Matlock right in…

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surviving the holidays

Surviving the Holidays: 3 Keys to Healthy Body, Mind & Heart

I look forward to the holidays every year. Time spent with family, the spirit of giving, tidings…

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How to Get Your ADHD Child's Attention

How to Get Your ADHD Child’s Attention

Communication Barriers As different as we all are, there are certain fundamental things most families have in…

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blend a family

Trying to Blend a Family?

It’s not easy to bring two families together and merge them into one. The different routines, personalities,…

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Learning Problems

Early Intervention for Learning Problems: A Quick Guide

The Power of Language “Language underwrites all academic performance,” says educational psychologist Marie Wynne. “I wish I…

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