Quick Tip

Say More With Less

In coaching training they teach that if you hear yourself talking a lot, you're probably talking too much. You'll find you'll actually say more with less.

Coaching involves a lot of listening. It's not that we don't talk. But we tend to use our words to ask open-ended questions that get our clients to talk more, which ultimately leads them to their own realizations and conclusions.

For parents, the wisdom is much the same.

When we don't talk, our kids very often fill the space (as long as they don't have their face in a screen).  We have a tendency to lecture, or ‘teach,' or explain. Sometimes, the best thing to do is say more with less – just say absolutely nothing, or ask simple questions like, “what else?” or, “really?”

Try it this week, and see if you find yourself learning more about what's going on in your child's life. If nothing else, you'll certainly get their attention.