3 Tips for Parents when School is Hard for Complex Kids

A Double Struggle
When school is hard for complex kids, parents struggle, too, right?!
Seriously, what does it really take for you to help your complex child – your child with ADHD, anxiety, learning disabilities, or other challenges – find success in school and in life? How can you make things better for everyone in the family?
And perhaps most importantly, how can you do it this year?
There are SO many strategies that the experts tell us to use that it’s hard to know where to start, right?
The Essence of School Survival & Success – for Parents
There's one foundational principle that underlies every strategy you’ll ever learn, and it’s a sure-fire way to foster long-term success and independence:
Understand your role as a parent, and then help your child learn to focus on his or her strengths.
I know … that is easier said than done. But you can do it!
Building on that fundamental principle, there are three key essential strategies that can make an enormous difference, rather quickly.
These three key strategies aren’t complicated, but they take a little reinforcement to figure out how to put them into practice in a way that works for YOUR family.
In an effort to empower YOU to most effectively kickstart your family to Survival and Success THIS year — with peace and confidence — Diane and I have developed a series of REALLY short videos. You may have seen something about this previously, but with recent weather events and back to school craziness, we want to make sure to give you a chance to access these videos if you missed them.
So, click here to receive:
We're going to cover these 3 key strategies in more detail with daily video tips, followed by a Live training event! And the crux of it all comes down to:
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Want to Stop School Struggles?
Download a free tipsheet "10 Parenting Tips for School Success" to stop constant challenges at school and at home!
3 Keys to Parenting Success
1. Get crystal clear on the differences between when your kids are actually being naughty, and when they are struggling with neurological challenges. Understanding the nuances of your kid’s issues helps you figure out what it takes to manage them; and, ultimately, that will set the stage for you to teach them how to manage themselves (the ultimate goal of parenting, right?).
2. Make a deliberate effort to create the kind of tone in your home that reflects the style of parent you really want to be. Harness the power of calm, and let go of the yelling that becomes a default response when you just don’t know HOW to manage your frustration, much less everyone else’s. When you consciously create the tone in your home, it inspires confidence for your kids, and creates an environment for them to take ownership of their lives and start managing themselves – step by step.
3. Manage your expectations (in the context of your child’s development.) If school is hard for your child – or if your child struggles with traditional learning, whether due to ADHD, Anxiety, Learning Disabilities, or anything else, things are probably not how they appear on the surface. Simple tasks – like turning in homework or remembering what work needs to be done – are actually quite complicated and difficult for your child. So get specific on your child’s frustrations and obstacles, so that you can set expectations based on the way your child’s brain is wired, instead of based on age.
A Perfect Place to Start
While there are many more strategies and tools we teach for parents to use to help your families thrive, we know that if you focus on these “3 key steps” to Back to School, survival and success will be guaranteed!!
Better than that, you’ll have taken three giant steps forward in a whole new approach to becoming the kind of parent you want to be! And as you learn to embrace this approach, you’ll be amazed at how quickly things will begin to change – for the better, for everyone in the family!
Because at the end of the day, what it REALLY takes for a complex child to find success in school and in life is as basic as a parent who understands, believes, and inspires. That parent is you.
Join us for:
We’ll talk about each of these 3 key strategies at greater length, and give you some very concrete strategies for putting each one into practice.
For example, we’ll talk about how to use rewards to get results, how to find solutions in the successes, and how to problem-solve instead of punish. Even young children can be part of creating systems, and individually motivated to use them. It’s really all about how you parent them. How to do that most effectively will become clearer with the videos.
It’s a great way to get a fresh new start to the rest of the school year!
Worry not. Help is here!
The Secret’s Out: Complex Kids do NOT have to be such a challenge anymore!
Join us as we reveal proven methods for turning chaos into calm.