Guest Expert

Medication, Nutrition & ADHD: What is Integrative Treatment?

Dr. James Greenblatt has been a pioneer in the realm of integrative treatment for ADHD and other complex children for many decades. He recalls the early days when he actually heard of a colleague in another state who lost his medical license because he did food allergy testing and recommended vitamins.

Having persisted in pursuing a holistic approach to treatment over the years, he explains that it has been pleasure to watch the research pour in over the last 10 years. Now he celebrates that concepts like mindfulness, exercise, nutrition and more are all accepted as part of an integrative approach to treatment.

So what exactly does he mean by integrative approach? And how does it work in relationship to medication?

In this interview, Dr. Greenblatt identifies what medical approaches to pursue for kids at different ages and stages. He recommends different treatment protocols based on age and related issues, and the metabolic evidence that is presented.

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Now let’s be clear. He’s not saying that ADHD does not exist. He explains, “we understand the genetics, the neuro-chemistry, we understand the neuro-physiology, so there’s a profound neuro-physiological difference. And what we’re looking for are the kinds of things that might be exacerbating those symptoms, and the most effective treatment for those symptoms.

He continues, “medications can be effective, but often times it’s the Band-Aid. When you take the medicine the symptoms improve…. But if we can find a kind of nutritional, metabolic problem, then we can kind of minimize medications if those are needed.”

Once nutritional and metabolic issues are addressed, then it’s quite effective and appropriate to turn to medication for improved support.

Bottom line: there is a metabolic component to managing ADHD and related conditions, and there has never been a better time to explore those options as part of the management of your child’s ADHD. The research is in, and its persuasive. Integrative treatment for ADHD offers a comprehensive approach.

Listen to this interview if you want to understand what questions you as a parent should be asking your providers, and how you can take a include integrative treatment as part of your ADHD management.

Click Here to Listen:

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