Joy Lunt

Joy Lunt
Working as an RN, over the course of 15 years, Joy Lunt developed a belief in the importance of whole health management. Encouraged by the dramatic results she saw in her son and other children, she researched and studied neurofeedback training. She became a certified neurofeedback provider through the Biofeedback Certification Institute of America (BCIA), and in 1993 established the EEG Spectrum Northshore in Northbrook, IL, housed in the Center on Deafness - a residential school for deaf children exhibiting emotional and behavioral difficulties. In Burbank, CA since 2003, Joy's practice, Brain Potential, Inc., provides direct neurofeedback to children and adults. In addition to clinical work, Joy consults for other neurofeedback practitioners and mentors people new to the field. You can email her at and read her profile here Joy Lunt.