When Your Complex Teen Leaves Home: Letting Go is Hard to Do

Times of Transition
Years ago, I helped my kid move to California to pursue a career in acting. Leaving them there at the ripe old age of 18 was one of the hardest things I've ever done as a parent. Even later, with some experience under my belt, as my middle child prepared to leave for college, I read these words, and they brought tears to my eyes. It is a delicate balance we parents walk every day – and especially during major times of transition – fostering independent young people, while supporting them appropriately. Whether your child is going away to college, to a gap year, to work, or to something still unknown, I hope this article gives you the strength to walk that balance beam with confidence (if also with trepidation), knowing you are not alone.
I'm currently in LA., CA, helping my newly 18-year-old kid start the next phase of their life's journey. Frankly, it's taking everything I've got to keep myself together even under the best of circumstances.
Sending your ADHD teen out of the nest is not for the faint of heart. For starters, there are a crazy amount of details involved. Let's just say, as an ADHD adult myself, that logistics are not my forte. In fact, I often joke that I failed “forms” in college. I tend to get really overwhelmed by paperwork, and often ask more questions than unsuspecting desk clerks find appropriate.
So trying to steward my kid through the paperwork – voter registration, the DMV, a new doctor's office (complete with HIPAA requirements) – when I'm already triggered, is no small feat.
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Minimize Meltdowns!
Download a free tipsheet "Top 10 Ways to Stop Meltdowns in Their Tracks" to stop yelling and tantrums from everyone!
This Isn't Easy!
Then, there are the complicating legal factors of a child turning 18. At first, I was kinda giddy – now they get to sign their life away! But actually, it's really scary. I'm not confident they know what they're signing, and no one can talk to me without their signature – which they have to remember to sign!
This is a stressor for all parents of 18-year-olds, but with ADHD in the mix and some anxiety for good measure, it's not exactly a recipe for success.
If that's not enough, then there's the medical care. Whether it's a college health center, or independent care, all those years I've spent overseeing, understanding, advocating, and making health care decisions for my ADHD teen are basically silenced.
It's like firing the one employee who has been with the company since its start. I can't download all of their history in a single form or a 10-minute intake. They can hear me tell them story. But, it's sorta like when you look at a photo of an event from your childhood and you only recall it because you've heard the story and seen the photo. So, too, my kid can't recall the gastroenterologist visits of their infancy, or even the dermatologist when they were eight. Forget about the years of psychiatric and psychological nuances. They are a thing of the past.
So, there are the details (signatures required), and the rights and responsibilities of adulthood (at the ripe old age of 18) and the medical decisions (with a frontal lobe that still has about 7 years to grow). Eeek!
There's more, of course, but you get the picture.
No Matter How Well You Prepare, You Won't Be
I thought I was ready. But nothing prepared me for getting on that plane and leaving them behind – completely, legally, responsible for themself!
Honestly, are they kidding me!?
I know I'm doing an okay job holding myself together, but let me tell you how excited I am to attend our “Back to School Survival” week at the end of this month. I'm serious. I didn't plan it for myself – really, I didn't – but I sure am eager to surround myself with other parents who are trying to navigate choppy waters at this time of year and re-center myself in the coach approach to parenting.
Whether your child has not yet left home, or is recently out the door, I suspect you can relate to some of what I've shared, or you have a friend who can. It reminds me of the crushing feeling in my chest when the Kindergarten teacher shut the door and we parents stood there in the hall, tears running down our cheeks. We knew it was a good thing. But WOW! It hurt.
Until Back to School Survival week, I'm taking lots of deep breaths and practicing the art of letting go. Let's just say it's like training for a marathon – it's taking a LOT of practice!
Accepting Reality
In the meantime, I still have more forms for my ADHD teen to sign, and more phone calls to make while they're nearby to authorize conversations. I've finally accepted that it's not all going to be done before I leave.
But leave I must. My kid is at the beginning of a great adventure. At the end of the day, it's not about the paperwork, or the forms, or the permission slips.
For me, it's time to step back and treat their life as a spectator sport. I guess I'm going to be one of those fans who sits at home, watching the screen, screaming at the athletes as if they can actually hear me. Secretly, I hope they do!