Ode to Joyous – You!

One of the best gifts you can give your kids and family is managing your own overwhelm and taking care of yourself this holiday season! How?
Understand Your Triggers.
What really gets you going? How can you avoid or handle those situations? Imagine being confronted with a difficult parenting situation after an exhausting day. Trigger alert! Rather than blowing up, stop. Trust that it can wait until the morning when you have more energy.
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Take Time For Yourself.
Sometimes we have to be pretty creative to get some time alone and avoid the overwhelm! On your lunch hour, try going for a walk (no errands allowed!) or simply close the door to your office and relax (no emails allowed!). Go to a yoga class (or boot camp. Whatever gets you sweating!), use your commute for “you time,” or schedule a manicure or massage once during the month. Or twice.
Go To Sleep!
Try to go to bed at the same time each night. If your kids are up late studying for finals – or texting their friends – set a curfew. You need a process in place, so everyone gets their Z's.
Eat Healthily.
Holiday cookies can be a huge temptation if your home is anything like mine! Stock up on good, healthy snacks. If you don't have these on hand, it's so easy to go to the sugar – which will increase stress! Tell yourself – and your kids – that treats are okay. In moderation – and after they've had their healthy foods!
One of the best holiday stress tips I've ever heard was from the American Psychiatric Association. They advise that we can examine our expectations – and then lower them! There is no such thing as the “Perfect” anything. What there is, though, is an opportunity for a wonderful, magical holiday season spent with the people you love. The less you stress, and feel less overwhelm, the more likely it is that you – and everyone – will enjoy it.
Discover The Peace That Comes From Ending Your Chaos
The Secret’s Out: Complex Kids do NOT have to be such a challenge anymore! Join us as we reveal proven methods for turning chaos into calm!