9 Essentials of Neuro Movement for Positive Brain Change

This interview was recorded in two parts to allow for full explanation, and to optimize your brain’s ability to process the information. To access the second interview in the series, click here.
Guest Expert Anat Baniel wants to help kids unlock their brain’s potential. Her Nine Essentials are keys to positive brain change, especially for complex kids. There is so much information in Baniel’s approach that we conducted two sequential interviews. The first 3 essentials are covered here, and the remaining 6 are in the next interview. Access part two.
The Nine Essentials
Baniel explains: “What the child brain needs to do is to be able to notice differences — so it can learn, and adjust, and figure out how to operate whatever system we are talking about.” But sometimes, the brain doesn’t always fulfill its role as an information system.
“The Nine Essentials are about waking up the brain to be doing what it’s built to do, which is perceive difference, generate information, and organize new information to learn.” The first 3 Essentials are all about gathering this knowledge.
ESSENTIAL 1: Movement
According to Baniel, “Movement is the language of the brain.” Moving gives your child experience and helps forge new neural pathways. But Baniel is very clear that “movement without attention” doesn’t have the same impact. It’s important to recognize the sensation of the movement.
Slowing down can be especially hard for complex kids with ADHD. “They tend to move quickly, which is sort of a vicious circle. They don’t pay attention, so they don’t feel. And if they don’t feel, they don’t pay attention.”
ESSENTIAL 3: Reducing the Force
When learning something new, it’s hard not to put a lot of pressure on ourselves. But it’s important to minimize the intensity. Baniel says, “The less force, the more sensitive you are, and the more the brain can perceive differences.”
To get a full understanding of Anat Baniel’s insight, and a window into her method, listen to these two podcasts – starting here, and finishing with part 2!
Click here to continue to the second interview.
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