Quick Tip

Fake It ‘Til You Make It!

The Power of Confidence

We all know that one of the most valuable things we can give our kids is a confident and consistent parent. Providing them with strength and structure can be a massive boost in their ability to be productive and successful.

But how many of us are confident and/or consistent all the time? Even on our best days, sometimes those doubts and distractions get in the way, and we are flying by the seat of our pants (again!). So here's where the tip comes in – Fake it 'til You Make It.

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Minimize Meltdowns!

Download a free tipsheet "Top 10 Ways to Stop Meltdowns in Their Tracks" to stop yelling and tantrums from everyone!

Act As If

"Act as if" is a positive spin on "Fake it 'til you make it."

We all want to be calm and confident parents, but we don't always feel that way. Life's busyness, combined with our kids' erratic behaviors, can make us feel ready to pop.

So Act As If. Act as if you're calm and easy-going. Act as if there's plenty of time to get it all done. Act as if this wacky, erratic child of yours is going to grow up to be a fantastic adult! You'll be surprised at how that simple shift in approach can open up new possibilities.

I'm not saying you should hide your insecurities or bad days from your kids. Emotional Intelligence is an essential tool in the ADHD household. But, some days, we just need to buckle down and "act as if" parenting special needs kids is effortless.

Maybe you could ask yourself, "What would ___ do?" and fill in the blank with your favorite parent role models like Donna Reid, Claire Huxtable, Carol Brady, or Mother Teresa. Above all, keep your sense of humor, and be gentle with yourself. At the end of the hour (or day or week), you might look back and think, "that was easy!"