Susan Orloff

Susan Orloff
Susan N. Schriber Orloff, OTR/L is a national columnist and the author of the book Learning Re-Enabled: A Practical Guide to Helping Children with Learning Disabilities (Elsevier/Mosby Books). It is endorsed by the International Learning Disabilities Association and the National Education Association, and is a resource at the US Dept. of Education and on the ERIC preferred resource website. Susan's passion is the neurology of learning. Susan is the founder and CEO, of Children's Special Services, LLC. in Atlanta, Ga. serving learning and developmentally disabled children ages toddler through teen. Currently, she is the neuro-developmental advisor to the ReSET Grant to teach science to preschoolers aged 2-3-and 4, funded by the Motorola Foundation and supervised by the National Science Foundation (2011-2012). Awards include: Outstanding Service Award/Bobbi Grant Award for Contributions to Occupational Therapy 2008, Georgia OT of the Year 2006-2007, Georgia Woman of Distinction 2006, and the 'Outstanding Educator Award.'