Matthew Weneta

Matthew Weneta
Matthew D. Weneta, MEd is the owner and director of Aerie Experiences, an experiential, adventure and wilderness therapy program serving children and families navigating neurobiological disorders. Aerie Experiences focuses on the meaningful inclusion of family in the treatment process, internal motivation and providing an emotionally and physically safe environment for growth and learning. An adjunct professor for Gainesville State College, Matthew teaches courses in Adventure Based Counseling, Rock Craft and the Prescriptive Use of Recreation. In the treatment and education fields since 1994, Matthew holds a Masters of Education from the University of Georgia in Recreation Administration with a focus in experiential therapies, and a Bachelors of Science in Special Education. He holds a special education teaching license, and is certified in Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy and Learning (EAGALA). Matthew has run two therapeutic boarding schools, a wilderness therapy program and an adventure camp for at-risk children. Previously, Matthew taught special needs children in hospital, psycho-educational and mainstream school settings. Follow Matthew and Aerie Experiences on Facebook and visit his website at Aerie Experiences.