Kay Marner

Kay Marner
Kay Marner is a freelance writer and editor specializing in special needs parenting and adoption. Marner co-edited Easy to Love but Hard to Raise: Real Parents, Challenging Kids, True Stories (DRT Press, February, 2012), a book about the experience of parenting kids with invisible disabilities. She contributes regularly to ADDitude magazine, the top national publication about ADHD and learning disabilities. She loves speaking at conferences and support groups about the special needs parenting experience. Marner lives in Ames, Iowa with her husband, Don, 16 year old neuro-typical biological son Aaron, and 12 year old daughter, Natalie, adopted from Russia, who has ADHD with several comorbid conditions. You'll find Marner communing with the wonderful group of parents on the Easy to Love but Hard to Raise Facebook, www.facebook.com/easytolovekids. You can contact Marner at kay@kaymarner.com.