Judith Bass

Judith Bass
Judith S. Bass Certified Educational Planner Judith S. Bass, Certified Educational Planner, is the founder of Bass Educational Services, LLC, an educational consulting firm in the DC area. Ms. Bass provides comprehensive college and postsecondary planning for students with AD/HD and other learning differences. With over 30 years experience as an educator, admissions counselor, and educational consultant, Ms. Bass is a leading expert in educational consulting for students with learning challenges. She earned a Certificate in College Counseling from UCLA and is an instructor in UC-Irvine's College Consultant Certificate Program. Ms. Bass has published numerous articles in local and national publications. She regularly conducts presentations on college and postsecondary planning to parents and professionals throughout the DC and Baltimore areas, and at regional and national conferences. Ms. Bass has just published CollegeWebLD, a searchable database of the disability services available at U.S. colleges and universities. She can be reached at judy@basseducationalservices.com or at www.basseducationalservices.com.