Jodie Dawson

Jodie Dawson
Dr. Jodie Thorz Dawson, PsyD, CPCC, supports and empowers high school and college students with ADHD, as well as women and parents. As a trained psychologist and certified coach for the past 15 years, she helps families, youth and women, find success through transitions from high school, to college, to the work place, and beyond. Her whole life approach and success model has helped individuals move forward in all areas of their lives. To her credits, Dr. Dawson was Campus Director for the Regional Center for College Students with Learning Disabilities at Fairleigh Dickinson University and Assistant Director of the Learning Disabilities Services at UNC-Chapel Hill, as well as a Research Manager and Writer/Editor for The Charles & Helen Schwab Foundation, focused on children with learning disabilities. She works both in-person and remotely and is available for ongoing coaching and parent consultations. Visit her website here.