Jim Weiss

Jim Weiss
Jim Weiss and his wife Randy founded Greathall Productions in 1989. It was a huge leap of faith as children's audio at the time was just coming into fashion. Raised by parents who valued literature and history and with the additional influence of grandfathers who loved to tell stories to their grandsons, Jim grew up in the presence of literary and real-life characters in the tradition of oral language. Jim graduated from The University of Wisconsin, Madison and entered the sales and marketing profession. At forty years old, he realized that he was unfulfilled and needed to make a career change. With a lot of prayer and reflection, Jim and Randy decided to trust their intuition that a line of storytelling recordings told, not read would provide a wonderful way for children to appreciate classics at an early age. This year, Jim and Randy Weiss are celebrating Greathall Productions' 24th Anniversary year of business. Married for 37 years, Randy and Jim reside in Charlottesville, Virginia. To date, Jim is the producer and reader of 50+ Greathall storytelling recordings featuring classical literature and history. Greathall Productions PO BOX 5061, Charlottesville, VA 22901. Check out his website and Facebook. You can also message him through his greathall@greathall.com.