Beth McGaw

Beth McGaw
As an outspoken advocate for children with learning differences, Beth has become an innovative leader in the learning differences community. After her son was diagnosed with a variety of learning challenges, Beth co-founded the Atlanta based Kids Enabled Magazine in 2006. In 2008 she led the conversion of Kids Enabled to a non-profit, and to an online resource in 2010. Beth is passionate about the importance of early intervention and helping parents find the resources they need. She understands the struggles that families go through to find appropriate therapy and education. Beth graduated with a B.S. in Industrial Engineering from the University of Cincinnati, an M.Ed. in Adult Education from the University of Missouri-St. Louis, an Online Facilitator Certificate from Socrates Distance Learning, and a non-profit management certificate from Brookhaven College, Dallas, TX. Beth's past work experience includes United Airlines, McDonnell Douglas and the Art Institute Online. Beth is the Executive Director of Kids Enabled and lives in Dallas, TX. Kids Enabled offers guiding information, support and encouragement to parents and support networks to navigate the complicated journey from awareness to success, thus enabling children with learning differences to reach their full potential. Some Books to Share: It Takes So Much to be My Friend by Richard D Lavoie The Motivation Breakthrough, 6 Secrets for Turning on the Tuned Out Child by Richard D Lavoie Laughing Allegra, by Anne Ford Teaching Teens with ADD, ADHD & Executive Function Deficits: A Quick Reference Guide for Teachers and Parents by Chris A Zeigler Dendy Teaching the Tiger series by Sheryl K. Pruitt and Marilyn Dornbush, PhD Challenged Kids, Challenged Teachers by Leslie Packer and Sheryl K. Pruitt