Beatriz Duda

Beatriz Duda
Beatriz Duda is a coach graduate in the International School of Coaching - Barcelona; the International Coaching Community (ICC); in Coaching and Consulting from the University Ricardo Palma- Per. She is the founding president of the Peruvian Association of Attention Deficit (2002), and a member of CHADD and the ACO. Bea delivers lectures and workshops in Peru and abroad, develops coaching courses, and coaches youth and adults. You can find her at APDA: Asociacion Peruana de Deficit de Atentcion. She is the author of the book, Coaching for ADHD: Theoretical and Practical Aspects; and the co-author of Strategies for the Classroom; Manual of Diagnosis and Management of ADHD; Manual of Coaching for ADHD in Elementary School, and Adolescence and ADHD.