Barbara Luther

Barbara Luther
Barbara, a Master Certified ADHD Coach, is Director of Training at the ADD Coach Academy and President of the Barbara Luther, MCAC, MCC, MA Master Certified ADHD Coach, coaches inattentive professionals and creatives to get out of their heads, rewrite their “what's not working” stories into appreciative and empowering stories about their unique brain wiring and strengths, and create the rewarding lives they yearn for.
Barbara has trained, mentored, and assessed thousands of coaches over the past 20 years. She is Director of Training for the ADD Coach Academy (ADDCA) and founding President of the Professional Association of ADHD Coaches (PAAC). Barbara is prominently featured in's video, ADD & Coaching: You Don't Have to Go It Alone.
Barbara regularly speaks at ADHD and coaching conferences on a variety of ADHD coaching topics, and she hosts a community of learning for coaches who want to remain in touch with coaching competencies at