Ann Dolin

Ann Dolin
Ann Dolin is a former Fairfax County Public School teacher with 20 years of teaching and tutoring experience. She has degrees in child psychology and special education. Ann founded Educational Connections, a tutoring company, in 1998 to provide 1-to-1 instruction in all academic areas and study skills. Today her company employs over 160 subject-matter expert tutors. They have helped over 5,000 students in the metropolitan D.C. area. Ann currently sits on the board of the International Dyslexia Association as well as CHADD of Northern Virginia, which stands for Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder. She is the author of Homework Made Simple: Tips, Tools, and Solutions to Stress-Free Homework, which recently received many awards. These include Parenting Book of the Year from Ben Franklin, Mom's Choice, and Forward Book Reviews. You can connect with Ann on Facebook at