Alison Ratner

Alison Ratner
Alison Ratner is a licensed Clinical Social Worker (LICSW). She received her Master of Social Work (MSW) from the Boston College Graduate School of Social Work in 2005, and has a BA in Psychology from Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts. Alison's experience includes working with children, adolescents, families, and groups. She has worked in a number of therapeutic settings, including residential treatment for adolescents, free outpatient center for children and families, outpatient community mental health center, and private practice social skills center for children. Currently, Alison leads social skills group therapy for children with developmental disabilities, provides mental health consulting at a school for children with special learning and behavioral needs, leads anti-bullying and friendship groups in a local pre-school, and sees children, teens, and families in private practice providing individual, family, and group therapy.