Danielle Junker

Growing up, I always dreamed about being a parent and having strong relationships with my kiddos. I dreamed of a big, close-knit family and assumed it would come naturally. A few years into parenting, I realized that the family dynamic I was yearning for with my spouse and three kids was not coming naturally. I had the feeling that something was different about our family.
Every time I talked to someone else about it, I quickly internalized that there was nothing different about us. It was my parenting that was the problem, and I just needed to focus more on discipline and consistency. However, none of that was helping. My intuition told me one thing, yet the world I had access to told me something else. I discovered in my 30s that I was dyslexic, and it was powerful to know more about how my brain worked!
Many things about my internal experience started to make sense, and led me to inquire more about my kids.
Could they have dyslexia too? No one saw what I saw, and I felt alone. I read a ton of parenting books, and I tried many different methods with little success. I felt like I was a failure as a parent, and it was a dark time for me.
While I didn’t give up on this path of discovery, my family and I struggled. Eventually, I learned that our family of 5 was actually neurodiverse, with multiple forms of neurodivergence among us! My questions started to make sense. I did see something different. At the time, I just didn’t have the right language and wasn’t asking the right questions.
Finally, I had some understanding!
Knowledge gave me a tremendous amount of power. After a long road with lots of turns along the way, I was able to tap into the right resources to effect positive change and advocate for my kids! I learned what I was doing to cause stress at home and was able to find different ways to approach daily life. I realized there were many other families like mine, and I felt so much less alone!
Our family members have diverse needs. Some of us process information quickly, and others process information slowly and require more explicit communication. Some of us are sensitive to light, while others require bright light. Some of us need a lot of activity in a day, and others require a lot of downtime. None of these needs are wrong - they are just different. Having diverse needs can make family life complex, but there is a path forward with humility, curiosity, collaboration, and much love.
I have learned that my dream family relationship is within my reach, but it just looks different than what I originally pictured. The powers that be have acknowledged my desire and let me know I will have to work for it! Our relationships are stronger, our family is stronger, and our kids are now on a good path. We work to accept each other as we focus on our unique strengths. Some days we nail it, and others, we accept what is and do better the next time.
Being a member of a neurodiverse family is a journey. When I became a coach, I became so much more clear about who I wanted to be and how I wanted to spend my time. Coach training helped me get clear on the big picture vision of what I wanted for myself and build a plan to get there.
However, I got stuck implementing those changes at home since I didn't fully understand the neurology of my family. Information can be really important! When I discovered ImpactParents' Sanity School®, I found an amazing source of information blended with a coach-approach, and it provided the foundational knowledge I'd been missing. Once I understood the brain wiring of my family, I was able to make significant progress. I was able to find approaches that met the needs of my kiddos, rather than continuing to use approaches that caused stress for the entire household. I have learned from those who have gone before me, and I am grateful to join ImpactParents in supporting those who are on their journey to create strong family relationships.
- Certified Sanity School® Trainer
- Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC)
- Founder and Coach - Leading With Purpose
- Leader and Team Coach
- IT Leader with over 20 years of experience in the corporate world